You’re not alone in your pain surrounding motherhood.

So why are these success rates so low?
Conventional fertility treatments primarily focus on hormones and body function.
And we know there’s way more to the equation.
As a result of our many years of qualitative research, we know that infertility is not just in you!
It’s in your family history, your subconscious mind & emotions.
We don’t just treat the symptoms…
We uncover the core causes.
We treat the core causes.
We heal the core causes…
And The Results Are In!

Utilizing all-natural and holistic therapies, we bring the body back into a state of greater
health at a cellular and energetic level, so your body can do what it’s naturally created to do.
We address & heal the painful transgenerational stress & trauma related to children & childbirth.
An Industry First
We take a team approach using holistic treatments.
We do our utmost to leave no stone unturned.

Meet the Team…
responsible for transforming
the course of your life

To heal the body, we utilize charts and algorithms that reveal the contributing psychological factors from your family history to the reason you’re struggling with infertility in the first place.
This, combined with our doctors’ treatment protocols, makes our success rates skyrocket!
Naturopathic Doctors: We love naturopathic doctors because they address the whole person. We rely on them because of their expertise in diagnosing physical imbalances, cleansing, detoxification, and nutrition.
Doctors of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncturist: Balances the nervous system supporting fertility. Traditional Chinese Medicine functions on the premise of bringing the body into harmony & synergy with itself and its environment. As your body rejuvenates itself, and in its wisdom…will embrace a pregnancy.
Beyond Just Babies Founder & Program Director: Since 1987, Jim Verghis has been working with the mind-body connection healing the unseen layers of stress and trauma. He wears many hats as a Behavioral Genealogist and is the Founder of Behavioral Iridology.
Doula: We use the science of personality typing to pair you with a doula. From the beginning until 2 weeks after your new miracle arrives, your doula will be your friend, coach, and guide to support you through the motherhood process. She will also be there to assist you in the birth of your new baby.
Doctors of Chiropractic: Brings your musculoskeletal system and nervous system into balance. Proper alignment of the skeletal system plays a key role in the functioning of your organs and reproductive tract. P renatal & postnatal adjustments directly affect the grace and ease of your birth.
Reiki, Massage & Therapeutic Bodyworkers: “The issues are in the tissues.” Reiki, Massage, Bowen Therapy, Egoscue, Organ Massage, and others. These forms of bodywork are powerful in their own right, and they also ground and integrate the therapeutic treatments from our doctors.
If you don’t conceive within 9 months,
you have the option of getting most
of your investment back…
Unheard of in the
Medical & Healing Worlds

It’s time to celebrate the gifts
of your love & labor!
Your investment covers everything in your program!
What’s Included:
✓ Regularly scheduled appointments with our team of doctors
✓ Weekly check-ins to consistently reevaluate & adjust your personalized treatment program
✓ Regularly scheduled bodywork sessions
✓ Open lines of communication between appointments
✓ Sessions to focus on supporting you as a couple
The health of your relationship affects your ability to conceive.
✓ Your personal doula will walk you through the process as your
coach and guide on a daily basis and be there to support in your delivery
✓ Couples receive an “Owner’s Manual” for their child.
There’s a science to determining their personality type,
which reveals the parenting strategies that will maximize your child’s potential.

Our Commitment To You.
We promise 100% commitment to your success.
Your treatment program is tailored to your individual needs.
Our Expectation From You.
We will create the blueprint for your success.
Money alone will not guarantee a child…
Your full commitment will be crucial throughout this journey…
A willingness to make shifts in your life, to be coachable, and to set aside the time that it takes to transform from within.
These commitments will be an absolute requirement to bring your baby into this world,
and are a huge part of how we qualify you for your program.
How It Works
Our discovery & and treatment process is implemented in 4 phases.
Phase 1:
60-min Free Zoom Consultation
Phase 2:
A 6-8 hour assessment of your health history, family history, and eye patterns.
A fertility evaluation naturopathic doctor based on your blood panels and diagnosis.
Phase 3:
Outline your treatment plan, timeline & costs based on
what we learned in phase 2 presented in a written proposal.
Phase 4:
Proposal Acceptance
Programs Range From $180,000-$380,000
Deposit Full Amount into Escrow
“Thank you for helping us welcome in
the next generation of conscious children.”
- Jim Verghis – Founder of Beyond Just Babies